HTML Reference
- Home
- html
- head
- title
- base
- link
- meta
- style
- script
- noscript
- body
- section
- nav
- article
- aside
- h1 - h6
- header
- footer
- address
- main
- p
- hr
- pre
- blockquote
- lists
- figure
- div
- a
- em
- strong
- small
- s
- cite
- q
- dfn
- abbr
- data
- time
- code
- var
- samp
- kbd
- sub
- sup
- i
- b
- u
- mark
- ruby
- bdi
- bdo
- span
- br
- wbr
- ins
- del
- picture
- source
- img
- iframe
- embed
- object
- param
- video
- audio
- track
- map
- area
- table
- caption
- colgroup
- col
- tbody
- thead
- tfoot
- tr
- td
- th
- form
- label
- input
- button
- select
- datalist
- optgroup
- option
- textarea
- output
- progress
- meter
- fieldset
- legend
- details
- summary
- dialog
- template
- canvas
- slot
- shadow
The DOCTYPE declaration is a special HTML tag that specifies the type of HTML document that the browser should interpret. It is the first line of an HTML document and is used to tell the browser what version of HTML to use.