HTML Reference
- Home
- html
- head
- title
- base
- link
- meta
- style
- script
- noscript
- body
- section
- nav
- article
- aside
- h1 - h6
- header
- footer
- address
- main
- p
- hr
- pre
- blockquote
- lists
- figure
- div
- a
- em
- strong
- small
- s
- cite
- q
- dfn
- abbr
- data
- time
- code
- var
- samp
- kbd
- sub
- sup
- i
- b
- u
- mark
- ruby
- bdi
- bdo
- span
- br
- wbr
- ins
- del
- picture
- source
- img
- iframe
- embed
- object
- param
- video
- audio
- track
- map
- area
- table
- caption
- colgroup
- col
- tbody
- thead
- tfoot
- tr
- td
- th
- form
- label
- input
- button
- select
- datalist
- optgroup
- option
- textarea
- output
- progress
- meter
- fieldset
- legend
- details
- summary
- dialog
- template
- canvas
- slot
- shadow
The style
element is used to define style rules (also known as CSS) for an HTML document. It can be used to apply styles to elements, such as fonts, colors, and layout.