HTML Reference
- Home
- html
- head
- title
- base
- link
- meta
- style
- script
- noscript
- body
- section
- nav
- article
- aside
- h1 - h6
- header
- footer
- address
- main
- p
- hr
- pre
- blockquote
- lists
- figure
- div
- a
- em
- strong
- small
- s
- cite
- q
- dfn
- abbr
- data
- time
- code
- var
- samp
- kbd
- sub
- sup
- i
- b
- u
- mark
- ruby
- bdi
- bdo
- span
- br
- wbr
- ins
- del
- picture
- source
- img
- iframe
- embed
- object
- param
- video
- audio
- track
- map
- area
- table
- caption
- colgroup
- col
- tbody
- thead
- tfoot
- tr
- td
- th
- form
- label
- input
- button
- select
- datalist
- optgroup
- option
- textarea
- output
- progress
- meter
- fieldset
- legend
- details
- summary
- dialog
- template
- canvas
- slot
- shadow
The address
element is used to define the contact information for an entity. It can be used to provide the physical address, email address, phone number, or other contact information for a person, organization, or other entity.